1. Use dmesg to make a list of hard disk devices detected at boot-up.
2. Use fdisk to find the total size of all hard disk devices on your system.
3. Stop a virtual machine, add three virtual 1 gigabyte scsi hard disk devices and one virtual
400 megabyte ide hard disk device. If possible, also add another virtual 400 megabyte ide
4. Use dmesg to verify that all the new disks are properly detected at boot-up.
5. Verify that you can see the disk devices in /dev.
6. Use fdisk (with grep and /dev/null) to display the total size of the new disks.
7. Use badblocks to completely erase one of the smaller hard disks.
8. Look at /proc/scsi/scsi.
9. If possible, install lsscsi, lshw and use them to list the disks.