As you read this, you may think, "Gee, nothing much is happening in my career - it's everything as usual." Not for long, dear Sagittarius. In the past weeks, it was so quiet in your career that you probably lifted your landline phone receiver to check if you still had a dial tone. Or, wondered if you should call your service provider to make sure you were getting all your emails - there were too few! Everything is fine, so relax. In order for you to see how important Jupiter's position is in your house of fame and honors, the universe is sending you a series of eclipses in this house, which will extend until February 26, 2017. It's usual for things to be very quiet before an eclipse occurs, but afterward, it's quite different! It will be like a blast of clean energy of a hurricane! You'll be scrambling to keep up!
Until the eclipse of September 12-13 arrives, sit back, open the window, and see what flies in. It will get so busy you may need to hire help to handle it all. Eclipses bring sudden opportunities and shuffle personnel, especially in management or on the client level. Conditions loosen up and allow for a more fluid playing field. Surprising truths are almost always revealed that will change your perception of the situation you've been dealing in lately. It can be very good news - if you were wondering if a deal were really to come through, you will know after that September 12-13 eclipse arrives.