Many wedding albums only start with the groom and guests outside the church, registry office, or other building where the marriage is to take place, waiting for the bride to arrive. As you can see here, this is a great pity, since many informal yet memorable photographic opportunities may well be missed.
The hour or two before the bride leaves home for the ceremony can often be tense and full of activity. At this time, you will not be popular if you get in the way or ask people to stop what they are doing and pose for you.
You therefore have to work quickly, quietly, and professionally, seizing your opportunities as and when they arise for more candid coverage.
TTL (through-the-lens) camera metering systems are a great boon, but many of these do not perform reliably well when there is a wide exposure difference between the shadow areas and the highlights contained in the same scene. Knowing this, the photographer’ has to make the decision about which part of the picture to expose for. In such a situation, it may be wise to use a hand-held exposure meter.