This study focused on the variability of rice yield under water and soil salinity risks in farmers’ fields in
northeast Thailand.Arice plot was monitored in 24, 16 and 11 farmers’ fields during the rice seasons 2005,
2006 and 2007, respectively. The results emphasized that few plots were continuously submerged during
the 2005 season, when rainfall was low. Drought significantly affected the rice yield, yield components
and the internal efficiency (IE) of the absorbed nutrients, while slight soil salinity had the only significant
effect of increasing the IE of potassium (IEK). In the very rainy 2006 and 2007 seasons, most fields were
continuously submerged, and in contrast to 2005, the slight soil salinity that was recorded had significant
effects not only on IEK, but also on rice yield, spikelet sterility and 1000-grain weight. The yield decrease
due to drought was about 87% and that due to salinity was 20%. When neither salinity nor water were
limiting, the soil nutrient supply was high enough to achieve about 80% of the maximum yield reported in
the literature for the rice cultivar in this area. As both drought and salinity risks are hardly avoided by the
current farmers’ management they should be taken into account in the way technical recommendations
to farmers are formulated.