CGMFP Federation came into being in October 2000 as an apex organization with
a three-tier co-operative structure after the division of the erstwhile Madhya
Pradesh state. The Federation comprises an Apex body at the state level, 32
District Unions (forest units) at the district level and 913 Primary Forest Produce
Co-operative Societies at the village level. At present there are about 10,000
collection centres spread over the length and breadth of the state and
approximately has covered around 9.78 lakh forest produce gatherers. The
Federation collects and markets nationalized NTFPs like sal seeds, tendu leaves,
harra and gum through this three tier co-operative structure. After the new State
Forest Policy a task force under CF was constituted with the Federation to achieve
the objectives of Herbal State. Major tasks being done by the Federation are:
a) Collection and trade of nationalised NTFPs
b) Collection and trade of non-nationalized minor forest produces, including
medicinal and aromatic plants with assured market tie up
c) Promotion of MFP-based processing units
d) Conservation, development and sustainable utilization of MFPs
e) Promotion of cultivation of MFP species, including medicinal, aromatic and dye