Product is anything that can be offered to a market forattention, acquisition, use or consumption that mightsatisfy a want or need. It includes physical objectives,services, persons, places, organizations and ideas.Asbestos sheet comes under the family of durable goods.Durable goods are those goods which for a longer period.And hence the purchases are made only once
Product quality
in maintaining quality or developing a product, themanufacturer has to choose a quality level that willsupport the products’ intended position in the targetmarket. Quality, particularly to asbestos industry, is one of the major product positioning tools. Quality stands for therated ability of the brand to perform its functions. Qualityis a summery term for the products durability, reliability,precision, ease of operation and repair and other valuedattributes. Some of these attributes can be measured interms of buyer’s perception of quality. Most products areestablished initially at one of four quality levels; low,average, high and superior. Garapati auto ventures ltd.
Established 50 years ago the quality of the asbestossheets and to develop new products.
Product Decisions
The term "product" refers to tangible, physical products aswell as services. Here are some examples of the productdecisions to be made:
Brand name
Repairs and Support
Accessories and services