Teeming with life whose existence is dependent on complex and relationships, the rainforest thrives in a divinity balance of symbolism
The ecosystem of the rainforest plays a critical role in the health and well-being of our planet earth, and to sustain those beneficial effect, the balance of the ecosystem must be maintained
The complex balance of life and the rainforest is not unlike the ecosystem that exists in the rumen of the daily cow, where hundreds of different species of bacteria protozoa and fungi coexist, in ecological equilibrium
in the unique symbiotic relationship between cow and rumen microbes, the cow supplies the environment and food for the microbial population which in turn digest those feedstuffs to provide the cow with essential nutrients, in the form of microbial protein and organic acid energy source
Let’s go inside the rumen to get a microscopic view of this microbial ecosystem
The microbial population consists of an interacting complex of bacteria protozoa and fungi, and their numbers are enormous
The microorganisms living in the contents of a single daily cows rumen easily out membrane the total population of people living on earth
Bacteria make up the largest numbers and diversity of population in this microbial world, they function as processors of fibers starches sugar acid and protein, to furnish useful compounds and elements necessary to fuel both growth and productivity in the cow