example, in an overview and analysis of data from 38 public bike
hire schemes across the world [19] and in more detailed studies of
specific schemes such as the public cycle hire scheme in Lyon
[20], Barcelona [21] and London [22]. Data analysis such as these
tend to assume the shortest possible route is cycled between both
stations, whereas other research shows that bike trips frequently do
not use the most direct route [6]. Therefore it was important that
SEMS records the entire e-bike journey in detail. Moreover, the
research fleet used by us needed to operate independent of
parking/charging stations because trial participants take ownership
of an e-bike for 6–8 weeks and use, park and charge them as they
please. Hire bike usage differs from personal bike usage, and our
trials were designed to simulate e-bike ownership and highlight
issues related to this, rather than those faced by a public hire scheme.