services for working age adults are primarily focused around community mental health teams. Community mental health teams are viewed as the mainstay of system and the core around which newer services are developed. These teams consist of psychiatrists, community psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, community care workers, psychologists and other therapists. they are required to focus on people with severe and complex problems through the care program approach. Under this framework, each patient has a "care coordinator" who is responsible for coordinating the care that the person receive, Regular meeting, called care planning meeting are held whereby the patient's care reviewed and plans are made for the future. In some trusts, the patient or service user can have the inclusion of a physical activity program in their program. However, although a recent adult in the South West region of England found an extensive array of physical activity opportunities for people with mental health problems the provision is not a statutory requirement and it still considered to be an underutilised adjunct to standard treatment.