The Potential Infiltration Model is
developed using Model Builder
(Appendix B). To finalize the land use
grid the four initial rasters are merged.
An overlay is first processed on the buffered roads, buffered highways, impervious surfaces, and digitized land use layers. Wherever a road, highway, or impervious surface polygon intersects the land use layer, the infiltration value of the final land use becomes zero.
The Weighted Overlay Tool of Spatial Analyst creates the final output, a Potential Infiltration Model (Figure 9). Land use, soil, and slope each receives an influence weight of one-third and develops the final potential infiltration grid. The overlay is based on percent of 100, so in actuality the soils and slope receive 33 percent of weight and land use 34 percent.
The final potential infiltration model is a ten-meter cell raster. The grid is masked to the Hadley Valley watershed. As displayed in Figure 9, regions in red indicate a restriction in infiltration due to an impervious surface such as road, highway, parking lot, or building, a clay soil of the D hydrologic property, or a steep slope over 25 percent. Potential infiltration values have a range of 70, from 30 to 100. Infiltration of 100 represents a crop or vegetated land use, low slope, and a sandy, A soil. Infiltration values decrease as humans increase impact on land uses, soils decrease in porosity and permeability, or slope increases. These values are depicted by dark blues in Figure 9 and are found on the farmed outskirts of the steep slopes and along the creek moving west and entering the