2. Commitment as an Influencing Factor of Transportation Service
Commitment means efforts that people would psychologically continue
a relationship with others and they would continuously invest in the
relationship.In an inter-firm aspect, it represents efforts among firms to
make the development of collaborative relationships. In particular, it has
the viewpoint of continuing collaborative relationships with partners.
Morgan and Hunt defined it as exchanging trust with partners. The core
of continuing relationships with partners is to mutually make the best
efforts for maintaining commitment.
Commitment among firms should be ready to suffer short-term loss for
continuing the stable and long-term relationships between partners.
When there is commitment among partners, they would share mutual goals
and values and then they would make a mutual collaboration for achieving
the goals as a whole.
In order to achieve commitment in supply chain relationships, firms
should provide partners with stabilization and collaboration in mutual
relationships which achieve joint goals among firms. However,
opportunism in a supply chain is one of the causes not to achieve the best
performance in a supply chain and, particularly, it could be connected with
the collapse of supply chains. Therefore, firms should have total supply
chain viewpoints to enhance commitment among partners through
pre-communication among them rather than being focused on their