Personal hygiene of the vendors
Personal hygiene of the vendors was observed. It was found that 81.3% of the vendors
did not use aprons, 60% handled food with their bare hands, 87.7% had short nails, which
were not polished and 65% had their hair not covered. All the vendors handled money
while serving food and only 10% of them had worn jewellery. Table 1 shows how
vendors observed various aspects of hygiene.
Table 1 Shows information on aspects of personal hygiene
Most of the vendors who sold chips, mandazi, githeri and fish packed the foods in
polythene bags for their customers. When packing these foods, they blew air into the
polythene bags to open them so that they could put the food in the polythene bags.
Clearly germs, some fairly harmful can be passed on to the consumer through this
Methods for packaging and storage of leftovers
Thirty-five per cent of the vendors interviewed said that they usually have left-overs. Out
of those, 32.1% reported consuming them and the rest stored them for the following day’s