The robot nodded. That's So what's wrong boss? something's wrong with your job. For example, t้his morning you didn't produce any ore.i can't explain that, boss,' Dave said uncertainly. My subsidiaries worked smoothly. I did,too. I remember that. His photoelectric eyes burned "Then I don't remember any more. The day ended, and there was Mike.powell looked at dave about a test dave, Powell looked at Dave cautiously. "How Dave? It would be the sensible thing to do. If you say so, boss. more difficult Robot The test started simply and became DV-5 carried out mathematical problems, then mechanical problems and finally solved problems of judgement The test lasted two hours. "How does it look?' the robot asked. I've got to study it, Dave.' Powell pulled his moustache. Go back to work, but take it easy.' The robot left and Donovan looked at Powell. "His positronic brain is working perfectly,' Powell said. He goes wrong only when we're not near,' Donovan said urgently. "I feel uneasy about that. There's something very, very peculiar about it and I don't Powell shook his head. "No, no. Just calm down. There must be a simple explanation for this. I'm going to watch him all the time. I'll fix up a camera, with a screen, here in this office. There's a problem, but we don't know what the problem is. We must discover the problem before we can solve it. You must catch the rabbit before you can cook rabbit stew! Well, we've got to catch that rabbit!