1. Introduction
The intensification and expansion of modern agriculture is amongst the greatest current threats to worldwide biodiversity [1]. It is suggested that organic farming usually increases species richness, having on average 30% higher species richness than conventional farming systems. And the efficiency of agricultural subsidy programs for preserving biodiversity and improving the environment has been questioned in recent years. Organic farming operates without pesticides, and inorganic fertilizers, and usually with a more diverse crop rotation [2]. The prevalence of animal birth defects is increased in the regions that pesticides, fungicides are extensively used [3]. The pesticides used intensively in industrial agriculture are also associated with elevated cancer risks in workers and consumers and are coming under greater scrutiny for their links to endocrine disruption and reproductive dysfunction [4]. Thereby organic farming is considered very important for sustainable agriculture, food quality, and soil and environmental health. It was observed that conventional farming reduces organic soil content and decreases biological activity in soil; on the contrary, organic farming increases microbiological activity in soil [5]. Soil quality investigated chemically and biologically in which long term conventional and organic farming activities were applied, and consequently, it was established soils in organic farming were observed to have much better nutritional status [6]. On this point, consumers are looking for variety in their diets and are aware of the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. Of special interest are food sources rich in elemental nutrients. In fact, the intakes of these several elements are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancers like mouth, pharynx, esophagus, lungs, stomach, and colon [7]. On the contrary, ingestion of metals, especially heavy metals, through fruits, vegetables and legumes can cause accumulation in organisms, producing serious health hazards such as injury to the kidney, symptoms of chronic toxicity, renal failure and liver damage [8].