The Seagate Email Retention App is available for use which allows specific emails to be saved for more than 5 years if the following requirements are met:
The email must qualify as an original business record (details) and the Seagate Records Retention Schedule requires the email needs to be kept longer than the Email Retention Policy of 2-5 years (see below).
The email is part of the department information and should not be deleted if an individual leaves Seagate.
Note: Any group, department or team will need vice president approval in order to use the Email Retention application.
Email Retention Policy effective August 1, 2015
All emails 2 years old or older will be automatically deleted.
You can assign a Retention - 5 Years label to any of your emails to save them for up to 5 years. Here are the instructions.
All emails 5 years old or older will be automatically deleted unless they qualify using the Email Retention App definitions described above.
The Email Retention App site has information on requesting access, how-to’s, training, and support. You can visit Ask an Expert if you have comments or questions about the system.
Questions or problems:
Contact the Seagate IT Service Desk if you have any questions or problems by chat or phone - 24 hours a day. SeaTel 8-324-3225.
Toll Free
Europe and Asia - 00800-0485-3456
India - 000-800-442-0111
US - 1-866-324-3225
Toll International - 405-324-3225