Common Innovation Infrastructure. Although the innovative performance of an economy
ultimately rests with the behavior of individual firms and industrial clusters, some of the most
critical investments that support innovative activity operate across all innovation-oriented sectors
in an economy. We describe such elements as an economy’s common innovation infrastructure
(corresponding to the left-hand portion of Figure A). Consistent with models of ideas-based
growth (Romer, 1990), our framework suggests that a country’s R&D productivity will depend
upon the a county’s accumulated stock of knowledge (denoted At) and the extent of available
scientific and technical talent dedicated to the production of new technologies (denoted HA,t). In
addition to the size of a country’s knowledge stock and talent pool, R&D productivity will also
depend on national investments and policy choices (denoted as XINF), such as spending on higher
education, intellectual property protection, and openness to international competition, which will
exert a cross-cutting impact on innovativeness across economic sectors (Nelson, 1993).
Common Innovation Infrastructure. Although the innovative performance of an economyultimately rests with the behavior of individual firms and industrial clusters, some of the mostcritical investments that support innovative activity operate across all innovation-oriented sectorsin an economy. We describe such elements as an economy’s common innovation infrastructure(corresponding to the left-hand portion of Figure A). Consistent with models of ideas-basedgrowth (Romer, 1990), our framework suggests that a country’s R&D productivity will dependupon the a county’s accumulated stock of knowledge (denoted At) and the extent of availablescientific and technical talent dedicated to the production of new technologies (denoted HA,t). Inaddition to the size of a country’s knowledge stock and talent pool, R&D productivity will alsodepend on national investments and policy choices (denoted as XINF), such as spending on highereducation, intellectual property protection, and openness to international competition, which willexert a cross-cutting impact on innovativeness across economic sectors (Nelson, 1993).
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