high cell density production process typically involves fed-batch fermentation [12]. The feeding is controlled to ensure thatthe substrate concentration does not build up to an inhibitorylevel [12,14,15]. Various feeding strategies have been expoundedin the literature, including a constant rate feeding and specificgrowth rate control feeding [12]. In specific growth rate control,the feed rate increases exponentially with time so that the spe-cific growth rate is maintained at some predetermined value. Otherfeeding strategies include pH-stat operation and foam-dependentfeeding. In pH-stat operation, the culture is fed in response toa change in pH from a specified value. In foam-dependent feed-ing, the complete consumption of a foam-suppressor substratesuch as a vegetable oil may lead to onset of foaming and thisbecomes the signal for further feeding. Prior work on high cell den-sity fermentations for the production of lipases has been reviewed[