I am writing to bring to your, this is the third time that we have found the same problem about leak of gasoline at generator. Has found a leak tiny hole at stitch fillet. I have been informed from personnel Aware company of how to fix the problems. That will take the oil out of tank and direct-current arc welding or put Epoxy fillings at tiny hole with offer add warranty increases to us. It may be like a best way to will make it can continue, but I feel there is no confidence. As well as a solution that you have proposed. It is a based on the standard of the Aware company or not? That you have supplied goods below the standard than we expected from Aware company. The new generator has never been used. But we had found the problems at the point is very important and dangerous to use. As result, to affect in our safety factory. In our factory has many tobacco leaf. Oil must be extra careful.
I feel you are deliver the goods นด poor QC to STEC. Suppose that you have buy a new car, and dealers were sent a new car at your home. It appears the new car that you order have fuel tank leak. Dealers said with you no problem, now I call mechanic to fix this problem at your home and we get extra insurance to you anymore. What would you do?
We are consumers are entitled to expect buy be of goods quality and will last for a reasonable period of time and have service be carried out with due care and skill and be fit for the purpose for which it is acquired. As you can see from the problem I have described, the generator could not be reasonably considered to be of reasonable quality.
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could replacement or a better solution to offer to us. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to fix this problem and will not take any proceed to the next step until this matter has been solved the problem.
For the proposal to add warranty that Khun Kanokwan offer to us, I must be inform the top management to consider first.