- Shipping Cost to export and import
- Analyze and book MNL shipping cost duty and vat
- Book MNL Vat
AP Trade Oversea
- Checking Invoice of partner Trade Oversea / Local
- Booking AP Trade Oversea
- Contact Purchase Dept. about PO Invoice partner Oversea
- Prepare Transmission for Payment to Partner Oversea
- Confirm Statement Month-End
- AP reconcile Suspense RM Goods In-Transit Account Zero
- Closing AP Oversea Month-End
- Contact with partner Oversea
Costing / AR Trade Manual
- JOC running and register in system iMaps and Booking
- Roll up standard Cost daily
- Checking JOC for Cut Stock
- Monitoring SST for Std. Cost Roll up
- Report Std. Cost of FG&SFG
- Booking AR shipment request
- Checking Shipment request
Job Other
- Issue Insurance Claim Note
- Inventory Destruction report to LTO & Audit
- Dispose report by month
- Report รง.8 (Production Completed & Sales)-MD Office
- Report Support Other Dept. GIT report month-end
- New/Change vendor register Trade-Oversea