Stage 9 – The Pregnancy Test after IVF in cyprus
On the evening of your embryo transfer you should relax and have as much rest as possible in your hotel. You can fly home on the evening of the embryo transfer but we recommend waiting until the following day. Once you get home you can continue your normal routine, although you must adhere to the “Dos and Don’ts” information document that you will be given on the day of embryo transfer
Twelve days after your embryo transfer, you can have a HCG blood test. At this stage, the blood test is the only way to definitely find out if your cycle of IVF in Cyprus has been a success as it is still too early to get an accurate result with a urine test. The HCG pregnancy blood test can be arranged through your GP or you can make an appointment at a private fertility clinic to have it carried out.
In some countries it is difficult to arrange a HCG blood test and so it may be necessary for you to perform a urine pregnancy test. In this situation you should wait until 14 days after embryo transfer and make sure you use first morning urine.