Stages in preparing a 3D model for rotary machining.
1) Create a new empty model with the number of points you wish to use to represent the model you will machine.
Make the physical size suitable for the model you will be machining.
NOTE: The following step is important for these instructions to work!
Set the origin in the centre of the model - click in the middle of the white rectangle representing your job on the 'Create New Model' dialog
2) File --> Import --> 3D Model For Unwrapping
Select the model you wish to unwrap
3) We now need to ensure that the centre of the 3d model is aligned with the centre of the relief. Imagine the process as being similar to putting a tube along the axis you are unwrapping, and then ArtCAM projects the 3d model onto the tube and flattens out the tube.
Most 3d model are created with their centre based on the origin (0,0) but if your model is not, press the [Centre] button on the 'Paste 3D Model' dialog - this will centre the model on the origin in X and Y but position it entirely above the relief plane in Z. Move the model down in Z by half the Z height e.g if the model is 2" in Z enter -1.0 in the Z: field of the 'Position' area on the 'Paste 3D Model' dialog and press APPLY.
Your model should now be centered on the origin of the ArtCAM model -
The general rule is that the 'gnomen' - the little red,green,blue arrow thing that shows the position of the origin in the 3d view - MUST be positioned at the centre of the 3D model before unwrapping.
4) On the '3D Model Unwrapping' page displayed in the assistant area ...
a) Enter a suitable value into the diameter field - this is the diameter of the tube that ArtCAM will project the model onto and will represent a 'rod' which will be left through the centre of your finished rotary axis model.
b) Ensure that that the correct axis is selected in the 'Axes' area. Again imagine a cylinder placed along the axis and choose X,Y or Z depending on how your 3d model is orientated. Look at the little icon next to the radio button which changes to show how the 3d model is orientated with respect to the axis you choose.
c) Enter a suitable value for the border added at each end of the model - this border will be at either end of your unwrapped model.
d) Press 'Create New Model'
5) TaDaaaa... You should have a new model and relief representing the 3d model projected onto a tube of the diameter you specified in step 4a, unwrapped and flatened :D
6) Use Relief -> Create Ring ... ->Wrap X should show your 3d model ready for machining.
If you have a true rotary axis you can now generate toolpaths and use the rotary axis post to create your toolpath.
If you are using a machine with a linear X or Y axis connected in place of the X or Y axis we need to resize the model so that the distance across the model will result in a full 360 degree rotation.
Assuming that the that the indexer is connected instead of the Y axis ...
Use Model -> Set Size Asymetric and set the model height to the distance required to make your indexer rotate 360 degrees.
Now create your toolpaths as normal. When setting the tool zero position in Z on the machine, Z Zero for the tool will be set to half the diameter you specified for the diameter in step 4a above the centreline of the roatry indexer.
I hope the above helps some people who are experimenting with this functionality, and remember, if you create some cool stuff, please share at least some photo's with the rest of us here on the forum
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