Here is the big problem, I have with the site. Who is real and who is fake. I do believe some are really, yes. Do I feel most are fake and just making money, yes. So, the big question is how to determine the real from the fake.
I found communicated with a few women to try and figure this out. I did not chat, I let the letters come in to me first.. after just over a month on the site, there were over 500 letters in my box. This is enough to make your head spin around. I took the first 300 and went through pictures first. There were many duplicate letters from the same ladys. These were all the same, word for word no differences at all. I would take these as fake or a scam individuals. I did find a few from the same person and the letters were completely different.
After weeding though the letters, I then went through and picked out 4 lady’s to watch the times they are online. I looked over the profiles to see what these people do for work.. something a little strange was seen. These women were online till very early in the morning Ukraine time and I mean late.. 4am to 5am in the morning. Looks like someone had lied on the profile haha.. go figure.