The SP is a standardized sensory questionnaire with 125 items, in which care providers rate their children’s responses to sensory events that occur in daily life. The questionnaire uses a 5- point Likert scale, corresponding to the frequency of each
behavior (i.e., 1 = always, 5 = never)
. The SP items are written such that lower scores reflect undesirable behaviors.
Scores and derived norms can be obtained on each of the 14
SP sections as well as on the 9 SP factors.
The 14 subsections are divided into three overall sections: sensory processing,
modulation, and behavioral and emotional responses.
The 9 factors include sensory seeking, emotionally reactive, low endurance–tone, oral sensory sensitivity, poor registration, inattention-distractibility, sensory sensitivity, sedentary and fine motor-perceptual.