An old-fashioned Fourth of July used to be one of the most exciting holidays that people in the United States celebrated. Everyone took part in the fun. A large part of this fun involved setting off firecrackers and making as much noise as possible. People gathered together for picnics at lakes, in parks, and at the beaches. There were games of all kinds. But the biggest attraction of the day wa the fireworks. Children had their own firecrackers and each one wanted t make the loudest noise. The oldest boys and girls sometimes had firecrackers fi nches long. These were called cannons. nighttime fireworks started. There were Roman candles sprouti different-colored balls of fire into the air bombs blasted high abo scattering bright stars into the sky. Most exciting of all were the sky rock streaking a bright yellow trail into the heavens. Have a safe and sane Fourth," people advised each other. But exploding lack powder in the firecrackers and lighting the dazzling nighttime displays c De dangerous; each year people were hurt. The Fourth of July is still a great na holiday. People still have picnics and play games. However, in most p are restricted. Expert workers set them off in stadiums or over wat manner people are more likely to enjoy a"safe and sane Fourth.