The data pertaining to dry weight, moisture loss and
various quality attributes of dried Dutch rose flowers as
influenced by different time levels and cultivars are furnished
in Table 3. There was no significant difference in
dry weight and moisture loss as influenced by cultivars and
different time levels. Among the four cultivars, maximum
rating of 2.20 points for colour was received by ‘Lambada’.
Least score (1.92) for flower colour was recorded in
‘Ravel’. The data pertaining to appearance of dried Dutch
rose flowers revealed that maximum score of 2.16 points
was received by ‘Lambada’. Least score (1.81) for
appearance was recorded in ‘Ravel’. Significant difference
was observed in dry flower texture due to different cultivars.
The flowers of ‘Lambada’ received the maximum
score of 1.97 for flower texture, while the least score was
recorded in flowers of ‘Ravel’ which scored only 1.67
points. Datta [12] observed microwave oven drying was the
most suitable method to dehydrate the white flowers of
‘Jubilee’ cultivar of chrysanthemum. Significant differences
were noticed due to different time levels in microwave
oven in which highest score for flower colour (2.42)
was recorded in flowers dried for 2.5 min, while the least
score (1.67) was recorded in flowers dried for 3 min.