Speaking a language behavior along with listening for communication between human beings To say is the language knowledge, thoughts, feelings, or the needs of the speaker to the audience by using the wordsAnd poses that is understandable (simple, Kanda2011: website)
Speech is a tool used in the communication between humans The greeting will feel that their valuable speech greeting that can open new issues of discussionA great talker to seek knowledge. The modern, to use as reference As well as observed from the famous speech the speaker To speak of their development (major rint, four tremendous and faculty2011: website)
In our daily life Speaking a language use behavior was ranked 2 deputy from listening We need to use the said since up until bedtimeLearning English is very important in the present Students must practice speaking English conversation routine Otherwise be forgotten if not usedAs well as using English words according to the situation of that book is the main language culture tradition Students need to know the culture of native speakers They also need to use a word according to the situationLanguage teaching in all languages have the nature of learning as well Starting from listening and speaking Then to reading and writing, respectively Teaching English speaking skills in the introduction Focus on the accuracy of language use (Accuracy)Vocabulary (Vocabulary) grammar (Grammar) sentence patterns (Patterns) so activities provide beginners who ได้ฝึก speaking skills It focuses on activities that students need to practice According to the given sentence structure or the most eloquentPractice speaking skills will focus on fluency of language use (Fluency) and will say more independent Because the real purpose of the speech is a communication to others get know speaking correctly and fluentlyCan manage learn to practice speaking skills to the students in accordance with และศักยภาพ level of learners (Teacher, Lee2013: website)