urea synthesis and hydration in the liver and an enhancement of protein synthesis in weaned pigs (Brown and Cline, 1974).
5. Conclusion
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In conclusion, from the results of this study it was shown that the addition of L. brevis ZLB004 could improve intestinal microflora balance, immunity and growth performance of weaned pigs; therefore, it may have the potential to be used as probiotic for weaned pigs. And further research is also needed to fully determine the optimal additive level and exact mechanisms through which the probiotic effect of L. brevis ZLB004 are realized.
Conflict of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
This work was supported financially by Modern Technology Research System, Beijing Innovation Team of Swine (GWZJ-200906). We would like to thank Beijing Qingminfeng Farm (Beijing, China) for their assistance with these studies.