The Beginning: Mutual Exclusion The Problem. While concurrent pro- gram execution had been considered for years, the computer science of con- currency began with Edsger Dijkstra’s seminal 1965 paper that introduced the mutual exclusion problem.5 He posed the problem of synchronizing N pro- cesses, each with a section of code called its critical section, so that the fol- lowing properties are satisfed:
Mutual Exclusion. No two critical sec- tions are executed concurrently. (Like many problems in concur- rency,thegoalofmutualexclusion istoeliminateconcurrency,allow- ing us to at least pretend that everything happens sequentially.) Livelock Freedom. If some process is waiting to execute its critical sec- tion, then someprocess will even- tually execute its critical section.The Beginning: Mutual Exclusion The Problem. While concurrent pro- gram execution had been considered for years, the computer science of con- currency began with Edsger Dijkstra’s seminal 1965 paper that introduced the mutual exclusion problem.5 He posed the problem of synchronizing N pro- cesses, each with a section of code called its critical section, so that the fol- lowing properties are satisfed:
Mutual Exclusion. No two critical sec- tions are executed concurrently. (Like many problems in concur- rency,thegoalofmutualexclusion istoeliminateconcurrency,allow- ing us to at least pretend that everything happens sequentially.) Livelock Freedom. If some process is waiting to execute its critical sec- tion, then someprocess will even- tually execute its critical section.
The Beginning: Mutual Exclusion The Problem. While concurrent pro- gram execution had been considered for years, the computer science of con- currency began with Edsger Dijkstra’s seminal 1965 paper that introduced the mutual exclusion problem.5 He posed the problem of synchronizing N pro- cesses, each with a section of code called its critical section, so that the fol- lowing properties are satisfed:Mutual Exclusion. No two critical sec- tions are executed concurrently. (Like many problems in concur- rency,thegoalofmutualexclusion istoeliminateconcurrency,allow- ing us to at least pretend that everything happens sequentially.) Livelock Freedom. If some process is waiting to execute its critical sec- tion, then someprocess will even- tually execute its critical section.The Beginning: Mutual Exclusion The Problem. While concurrent pro- gram execution had been considered for years, the computer science of con- currency began with Edsger Dijkstra’s seminal 1965 paper that introduced the mutual exclusion problem.5 He posed the problem of synchronizing N pro- cesses, each with a section of code called its critical section, so that the fol- lowing properties are satisfed:Mutual Exclusion. No two critical sec- tions are executed concurrently. (Like many problems in concur- rency,thegoalofmutualexclusion istoeliminateconcurrency,allow- ing us to at least pretend that everything happens sequentially.) Livelock Freedom. If some process is waiting to execute its critical sec- tion, then someprocess will even- tually execute its critical section.
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