i need to tell you about price on PO H15080112 .
Cost price in a purchase order. the price is lower than our actual costs.
We would like to tell you that our cost price. on item No.4 - No.9
cost price in NSEC
No.4 SETO1418 436.31 Baht
No.5 SETO1420A 381.43 Baht
No.6 SETO1457A-040 484.38 Baht
No.7 SETO1457A-050 529.41 Baht
No.8 SETO1457A-060 529.41 Baht
No.9 SETO1458 360.84 Baht
But the price that you have come. It is a price that is lower than the cost of production.
We ask you to consider this price and make us of new price.
with respect respect, thank you so much.