Are your employees cheating on their corporate travel expense reports? About 80% claim that they are generally honest with their travel expense reports but some admit to skimming a little of company funds for various reasons. Your employees represent your company on the road. And, their occasional unethical practices should be minimized, if not eliminated.
What about the employee who bought $3,000 worth of leather goodies from Gucci with his company credit card? Not to be outdone is the manager who charged lingerie, spa and salon expenses on his company credit card? Not only did auditors discover their scheme, the wives they were cheating caught them too.
Paper receipts can also be used as accessories for cheating. For instance, deliberately changing a 1 to a 7 on a receipt, reflecting the wrong totals of columns and rows, forging signatures, indicating an incorrect foreign exchange rate and many more all contribute to the padding of corporate tax expenses.
Mindful of a tough economy, Finance, Travel and IT Managers need an automated expense management and tougher internal, external and automated auditing systems to stamp out wasteful spending.