Variation of intrinsic properties: Preparation of yoghurt samples
Plain yoghurt and yoghurt mixtures (0.1%, 1.5%, 3.5% or 10% fat)
served as basis for vanilla yoghurt preparation. By considering
residual lactose, total sugar content was adjusted to 16 (regular)
or 11.2% (relative reduction: 30%). A total of 16 combinations
was prepared by incorporating 4% or 7% vanilla flavouring prepara-
tion. The procedure was the following: sugar was weighed into a
beaker, dissolved in vanilla flavouring and mixed with yoghurt.
Depending on fat content and the amount of flavouring, 10–40 ll
of 1% b-carotene in demineralised water was added per 100 g to
ensure that colour differences DE?were, based on reflectance mea-
surements, <3. Sensory experiments were carried out after storage
for 24 h at 6 ?C. Approx. 40 g portions were filled into glasses
which were closed with twist-off lids. Sample serving temperature
was 10 ± 2 ?C.
Variation of extrinsic properties: Labels
Yoghurt glasses were served with labels, attached by the exper-
imenter immediately before serving. We systematically manipu-
lated nutrition declaration and other elements of the labels to
have extrinsic attributes on the same levels as intrinsic attributes.
All other extrinsic information was identical. Labels showed a
mountain motive and a fake brand name and contained the follow-
ing design elements: (1) A table with nutrition information (fat
content, sugar content, energy per 100 g) in a design typical for
the German market. (2) Claims for variation of fat content (‘‘fat
reduced’’, ‘‘cream yoghurt’’), for lower carbohydrate content
(‘‘reduced sugar’’), and for higher flavouring (‘‘more vanilla
flavour’’). In line with the study design, 16 variants (4 ? fat content,
2 ? sugar content, 2 ? flavour level) were designed and printed on
self-adhesive paper.
We recruited 101 students (65 female, average age: 24.1 ±
3.7 years; 36 male, average age: 23.7 ± 3.1 years) from lectures.
In a questionnaire, they were asked for body height and body
weight; body-mass index range was 18.1–41.3 (median: 23.1).
Fifty-seven percent of the participants claimed that they do their
shopping themselves, and 74% indicated to consume yoghurt
several times a week. For each single session, which lasted approx.
1 h, the participants received an allowance of 10 €.
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