Wen Mu Yan was very delighted from the bottom of his heart. He draped a thin fur coat over his shoulder and went out the room to have a walk in the snow.
Since the weather was so dazzlingly bright, he couldn’t restrain himself from walking further. On the ground was the thick and deep snow accumulated from many days. The eaves, the benches and the steps, also had been covered by the thick snow. From faraway, each and every place in the Palace looked the same. The pathway was covered and couldn’t be seen too. Wen Mu Yan was moving and rolling about on the whole ground which was covered by the white snow. He already didn’t have any awareness about where he was actually at.
From behind, there was a door of one of the Palace room which suddenly moved by itself despite the windless weather. Making a creaking sound that passed to his ears.
Wen Mu Yan jumped in shock. He turned his body. He could see that there was a moving figure which compared to himself was slightly taller from inside the room. Most probably the figure was of a youth. A sense of curiosity rose from his heart. He treaded on the knee-length deep white snow, stepped forward to climb on a flight of steps, sticking his body in front of the door to peek inside the room.
Just a glance, he could see that it was a harmful matter.
Wen Mu Yan since childhood was brought up and cherished by the good care of the elder members of the family. Of course he would be an innocent and melancholic youth. He completely lacked any notion regarding the dangerous conflicts within the Palace chambers. He just thought that he had merely seen a simple out of the ordinary scene. He hardly realized how much conspiracy and scheming was contained in this calculated act. The scheming of the Monarch, since immemorial time, had been cunning without minding to do crafty things.
Without the slightest amount of awareness that he had fallen into a very dangerous situation, he turned his body and prepared to leave. However, he was too late.
The hidden place guards in black already found out about his presence. Quietly without a noise, they leaped out from their hidden place, from behind, they covered Wen Mu Yan’s mouth. They dragged him to enter the side room and threw him on the floor, then entirely closed the door.
Wen Mu Yan was pressed to kneel on the icy cold floor tile. Unable to lift his head. Even though he was still young and couldn’t understand the matter, at this very moment, he could also smell the perilous smell of this situation. Not long after, a row of troops entered the side room, lit up the furnace, the incense fragrance from the burner was burning with a crackling sound. From the top of his head, there was a cold voice of a youth: “How much have you seen?”
Wen Mu Yan’s body quivered, stating the truth as things really were: “I didn’t see anything…….”
His speech was of a child, indeed he didn’t see anything. However the him at this moment didn’t know how to explain and no matter what he said, the owner of the voice wouldn’t have believed him.
A deep voice of a woman fell to his ears, “It doesn’t matter whether or not he saw anything. This person definitely can’t be freed and sent back to his place. Simply exterminate him. Then cast away his body on the dried up well in the Cold Palace.”
One of the guards in black stepped forward: “Presently, His Majesty is seriously ill. The Imperial Palace is being guarded tightly by the Imperial Guards, one after another they make their rounds and strictly patrol around. It is easy to kill him and prevent him from divulging the secrets, but when disposing the body it would be hard to deceive the public eyes and ears. There are numerous threads in the inner Palace, If by any chance the other concubines found out about this matter, and take advantage from this, the many years hard work, wouldn’t it be destroyed in a mere moment?”
That deep voice of the lady said again: “If so, just blind his eyes then cast him away to the Cold Palace, assign someone to strictly watch him. His Majesty is already at the point of death, he could only barely live for several days. Deal with this matter carefully. After the new Emperor ascends the throne, even if someone found out about this matter, they would be unable to do anything anymore!”
That cold voice of a youth which he heard first also said: “What are you waiting for?! Act quickly!!”
After saying that, he didn’t stay for any longer, waving his sleeve, he walked out of the room.
Wen Mu Yan’s hair was grabbed tightly to make him immobile. They forced him to face upwards. The limpid as autumn waters eyes were filled with tears. His mouth repeatedly cried out with his sorrowful cries.
That woman’s voice was coldly laughing, her bright red nails were passing through the youth’s cheek. Leaving traces of deathly pale marks on that cheek, “It is too bad for these pair of beautiful eyes.”
Wen Mu Yan was tightly held. He could only look on helplessly at the coming to damage his eyes pl