「No…… no way……..」(Kukklia)
It was just Kukklia murmuring, but it was like a cry inside the mind of every single one of the 『Gabranth』 group.
In addition it was just to be expected. The 『Three Beast Warriors』, the pride and the greatest strength of the 《Gabranth》, were defeated without fighting in a matter of minutes. Moreover, it was done by only one person, a mere juvenile.
But as it didn’t happen by mere chance, some of them weren’t surprised. Muir and co. knew Hiiro’s extra-ordinariness and the current situation just solidified their opinion.
Kukklia only shot those words into the air, not even looking at Leowald standing next to her.
「Th-this is….. that person’s….. strength?」(Kuk)
Leowald just stared at Hiiro, making a stern face, not answering in the least.
「……. that’s right.」(Muir)
Thereupon Muir seriously answered her. Kukklia also turned around and faced her.
「This is…… Hiiro-san now.」(Muir)
However, Muir also admired just how much Hiiro seemed to have grown in the meanwhile. ((Lib.)) Then, the sound of deeply breathing in can be heard from Leowald.
「……Kukuku……. Gahahahahahahaha! What a guy! To treat the 《Three Beast Warriors》 like little children! Gahahahahahaha!」(Leo) ((seriously, that laugh gives me the shivers.))
And in his eyes, the face of Mimir still being befuddled is reflected.
「Oh? What’s up, Mimir?」(Leo)
「…………」(Mimi) ((I know its “Mimir” – but I shortened it. Deal with it))
「Nh? Mimir?」(Leo)
She certainly was mentally slowed down, but her cheeks were stained red as if she was totally impressed. And as his words finally reach her, Mimir returns to sanity.
「Ah, father……」(Mimi)
「What was it, Mimir? Admiring the brave figure of your future husband?」(Leo)