Suggestions For Further Research
The results of this investigation offer insight into issues related to gatekeeping and represent a foundation on which future researchers might base their work. Because this is the first qualitative study to address gatekeeping in counselor education , additional research is needed. future qualitative studies could expand on findings from this research, begin the formulation and development of behavior-specific academic and interpersonal expectations, and include CACREP-accredited programs located outside the southeastern region of the United States. Both qualitative and quantitative methods could be used to address various aspects of gatekeeping. In particular, researchers could explore how gatekeeping procedures or performance may differ across any number of variables, including (a) master's-level versus urban versus small rural universities, and (d ) pretenured versus tenured faculty members.
Suggestions For Further Research
The results of this investigation offer insight into issues related to gatekeeping and represent a foundation on which future researchers might base their work. Because this is the first qualitative study to address gatekeeping in counselor education , additional research is needed. future qualitative studies could expand on findings from this research, begin the formulation and development of behavior-specific academic and interpersonal expectations, and include CACREP-accredited programs located outside the southeastern region of the United States. Both qualitative and quantitative methods could be used to address various aspects of gatekeeping. In particular, researchers could explore how gatekeeping procedures or performance may differ across any number of variables, including (a) master's-level versus urban versus small rural universities, and (d ) pretenured versus tenured faculty members.
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