Tour Operations Management
The global market for tour operations
Identify the characteristics of the global tour operations market
Develop tour concepts, ideas and criteria that align with organizational objectives and priorities and identified market needs
Compiling an international tour
Develop a tour that meets objective and the specification
Evaluate a range of destinations against agreed criteria
Evaluate the benefits and risks associated with different types of tours
Set pricing structure that is realistic and attractive to identified potential customers
Negotiate partnerships and alliances that will deliver requirements to agreed quality standards within budget
Develop contingency management processes that are appropriate to the nature of the tour
Marketing international tours
Specify marketing methods appropriate to the target market
Negotiate mechanisms and outlets for the sale of international tours that are appropriate to the target market
Manage the sale of international tours to agreed quality standards and budgets
Understanding the legal framework within international tour operations
Assess the impact of current legislation on tour operators
Explain the rights of customers and travellers
Assess insurance requirements and the need for financial protection
Analyze the impact of consumer rights on tour operators
Analyze the influence of stakeholders and explain the role of government authorities overseas