Curran also shows that the asymptotic region for LAI begins at values of 3-4 for shot crops such as wheat, corn sorghum, and various grasses. Asymptotic regimes for LAI were found by Tucker (1979), Holben et al. (1980) for soybeans (above 2), Asrar et al. (1984) for wheat (above 2.5). Best and Harlan (1985) for oats (above 2) Gallo et al. (1985) for corn (above 3) and Sellers (1985) for various idealized canopies (above values from 1 to 3, depending on leaf angle). Nemani and Running (1989) show that the change in LAI is nearly linear with NDVI until the former exceeds values of 3-4, above which NDVI rapidly approaches an asymptotic limit.