This study aimed to explore parents’ perspectives of the
activities and participation of children with CP with a range of
communicative abilities and the factors (personal and environmental)
that influenced these. The International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health – Children and Youth Version
(ICF-CY) [15] was used as a framework to analyse participants’
responses. The activity and participation component of the
ICF-CY encapsulates a range of daily activities that are relevant
to children with communication disorders [16]. Given its clinical
relevance in managing communication disorders [17], the
ICF-CY model was used to provide an indication of domains
that are relevant to children with CP. Here, we conceptualised
activity and participation as per the ICF-CY, that is, where
activity relates to the execution of tasks, and participation refers to
This study aimed to explore parents’ perspectives of theactivities and participation of children with CP with a range ofcommunicative abilities and the factors (personal and environmental)that influenced these. The International Classification ofFunctioning, Disability and Health – Children and Youth Version(ICF-CY) [15] was used as a framework to analyse participants’responses. The activity and participation component of theICF-CY encapsulates a range of daily activities that are relevantto children with communication disorders [16]. Given its clinicalrelevance in managing communication disorders [17], theICF-CY model was used to provide an indication of domainsthat are relevant to children with CP. Here, we conceptualisedactivity and participation as per the ICF-CY, that is, whereactivity relates to the execution of tasks, and participation refers to
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