Of the total of 190 employees participating in this study, the majority of the respondents were women, with a percentage of 68.9%; the majority of the respondents were 21e30 years old, with a percentage of 57.4%; most of the respondents had a bachelor's degree, with a percentage of 80.5%; most respondents had an organizational tenure of below 1 year or 1e3 years, with a per- centage of 37.9% each respectively; the majority of respondents worked in the front office, with a percentage of 40.0%; and most of the respondents were junior staff, with a percentage of 69.5%. Of the total of 303 customers participating in this study, the majority of the respondents were men, with a percentage of 53.1%; the majority of respondents are aged 21e30, with a percentage of 75.9%; most of the respondents had a graduate's degree or above, with a percentage of 48.8%; and most of the respondents were students, with a percentage of 51.2%.