Beck Depression Scale
This instrument measures the physical, emotional, cognitive and motivational symptoms seen in depression. The purpose of the scale is not to diagnose depression. Its aim is to determine the risk of depression. It was developed by Beck et al. (1961) and its applicability and reliability were tested by Tegin (1980, Cognitive Disorders in Depression. A Review According to the Beck Model. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, H.U
. Department of Psychology, Ankara). It includes 21 self-assessment statements and provides a Likerttype measurement. Each item is given incremental scores between 0 and 3 and the total score ranges from 0 to 63. The higher the total score, the higher the level or severity of depression risk. The scale is valid and reliable in the Turkish language and applied also to the conditions of Turkey (Savas¸ır & S¸ahin1997,Aydemir&Ko¨rog˘lu 2007). According to the total scores of the scale, depression is classified as ‘no risk of depression’ between 0 and 13 points, ‘risk of moderate depression’ between 14 and 24 and ‘risk of serious depres-sion’ for 25 and over (Beck et al. 1961).
Beck Depression ScaleThis instrument measures the physical, emotional, cognitive and motivational symptoms seen in depression. The purpose of the scale is not to diagnose depression. Its aim is to determine the risk of depression. It was developed by Beck et al. (1961) and its applicability and reliability were tested by Tegin (1980, Cognitive Disorders in Depression. A Review According to the Beck Model. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, H.U. Department of Psychology, Ankara). It includes 21 self-assessment statements and provides a Likerttype measurement. Each item is given incremental scores between 0 and 3 and the total score ranges from 0 to 63. The higher the total score, the higher the level or severity of depression risk. The scale is valid and reliable in the Turkish language and applied also to the conditions of Turkey (Savas¸ır & S¸ahin1997,Aydemir&Ko¨rog˘lu 2007). According to the total scores of the scale, depression is classified as ‘no risk of depression’ between 0 and 13 points, ‘risk of moderate depression’ between 14 and 24 and ‘risk of serious depres-sion’ for 25 and over (Beck et al. 1961).
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