We should comply with the APPI and the EOPPI.
Prior to acquiring personal information, we shall specify the purpose of use of the information and shall publicly announce the purpose.
We shall not provide or disclose personal data to a third party without obtaining the prior consent of the person who is identified by such personal data (“You”), except where disclosure is allowed under the APPI, the EOPPI and other laws and regulations. The "third party" includes any other companies including ourselves and other Corning group companies.
We may use Corning group companies and contractors to handle personal information. For the purpose of protecting personal information, we shall improve and properly implement an outsourcing procedure for the acquisition, provision, and handling of personal information.
We shall reasonably respond without delay to your requests for disclosure, correction or deletion, etc. of personal information, which we retain in accordance with the procedure otherwise stipulated.
We shall properly control personal information and take reasonable measures for prevention of unauthorized access to, and destruction, tampering, leakage or loss of it.
We may improve our methods and the policy to protect personal information from time to time. This policy is subject to amendment without prior announcement.