Gemini is a great communicator, cell phones, extra minutes on their phone plan and gadgets to make it easier to communicate on their computers are excellent ideas. Extra hard drives, software, a web cam or a PDA will be greeted with enthusiasm. Gemini rules the mind, so anything that stimulates their intellect is most welcome. The videogames that feature brain teasers would most likely be enjoyed very much. Gemini loves to read. They love books. A subscription to one of their favorite magazines would be a welcome gift. For the Gemini who has everything, one of those electronic book readers would make a nice gadget to use when reading. If your Gemini travels a lot, one of those eBook readers can be wonderful as they can bring along several books and add hardly any weight to their luggage.
Speaking of traveling, Gemini loves to travel. Travel accessories are a great gift. Guide books, maps or maybe a new camera to capture their travels on would all please them greatly. A weekend getaway would also be a welcome gift for this adventurer. Foreign language lessons on tape or CD would benefit them, and they would add to their vast store of knowledge at the same time.