1.3.5 Service of Grapey Grape, service is a type of economic activity that is intangible, Our company has good service to be before-sale service is customer can contact our shop via our website, our social media and our shop phone for asking information such as product, shop map, open-closed of time and etc. And our shop has security guard.
Between-sale service is our employee will suggest products to customer when customers come into our shop by suggestion about taste product, promotion, keeping product. And we have test new product for giving customer taste in easy selecting buy product cause customer make sure in our product that is good taste and high quality. After-sale service is customer can contact our shop via our website, our social media and our shop phone for asking product information such as the method of keeping product and another.
The second, our company used support activities which it has 4 steps there are firm infrastructure, human resource management, technology development and procurement.