Seneb and family Marriage was a private matter, concluded between a man and a woman by setting up a common household and its main aim was procreation. It did not need the sanction of any public authority, be it secular or religious, though there is a New Kingdom letter describing how a crowd of villagers tried to force a man to commit himself publicly to his lover and make his wedding vows before a court of justice.
We do not have any descriptions of weddings; in the New Kingdom tale about Merneptah's daughter, Ahura, for instance no ceremonies of any kind are expressly mentioned, though one probably would not be wrong to suppose that such momentous occasions with their far-reaching economic, social and legal consequences would have been celebrated somehow . All the good things the king sent to her new abode suggest that there was a feast of sorts:
And the king told the steward of the palace,"Let them take Ahura to the house of Naneferkaptah tonight, and all kinds of good things with her."