A concept analysis on caring by Brilowski (2005)
found three important attributes of caring; relationship, action and attitude. Within these,
Brilowski identifies that nursing care (action) involves more than just affective issues of
caring about someone, but the implicit responsibility to maintain competence and to use
nursing presence and therapeutic touch as ways of engaging and communicating with patients
to enhance the healing potential. Finfgeld-Connett (2006) had similar findings in her metasynthesis
when she found caring to be an interpersonal process that is characterized by expert
nursing, interpersonal sensitivity and intimate relationships. Each of the above is consistent
with Wu et al's (2006) research findings which showed caring to have a four factor structure
consisting of knowledge and skill, assurance, respectfulness and connectedness.
The consequences of this approach to caring are clarified in the literature by Finfgeld