Props: Christmas tinsel, toy sheep, toy pig, toy elephant(all optional)
Cast: Two puppets – Max and Skidaddle
SKIDADDLE: (popping up) YO! Dudes!
MAX: (popping up) Hi Kids, Hi Skidaddle!
SKIDADDLE: YO Max! Wassup?
MAX: Do you know what day it is, Skidaddle?
SKIDADDLE: Psh… Of course I do, Max! It’s HALLOWEEN DAY!
(throws tinsel and sings)
Charlie the blue-nosed Reindeer….
MAX: No, Silly!
SKIDADDLE: (throwing more tinsel and sings)
…had a very runny nose!
MAX: It’s not even October yet, Skidaddle!!
SKIDADDLE: Oh, yeah. I mean, um… IT’S SHEEP DAY
(Sheep toy flies in the air)
MAX: No.
SKIDADDLE: PAT-A-PIG-Day? (toy pig flies in the air)
EAT-AN-ELEPHANT-Day? (toy elephant flies in the air)
MAX: (exasperated) KIDS – can you PLEASE tell Skidaddle WHAT special day it is today?
SKIDADDLE: Father’s Day?! Woohoo! Finally! YES! I can’t wait to give Dad his present. I have been saving up for it ALL year!
MAX: Wow, it must be something pretty special – can I have a sneek peek?
SKIDADDLE: NOOOooo. You can’t SEE it. But it IS something (ahem) (proudly) pretty special.
MAX: You can’t SEE it? Hmm…Let me guess, is it an invisible time-machine?!
SKIDADDLE: (dryly) No Max.
MAX: I got it, I got it! Is it an invisible…ROBOT?
SKIDADDLE: Well, that’d be handy…but no, bro, I’ll give you a clue (looks around suspiciously) its kinda (loud whisper) MENTISENTAL.
MAX: I think you mean SENTIMENTAL. Oooh, I bet you’re giving YOUR Dad the same kinda thing I gave MY Dad!
SKIDADDLE: What’d you give YOUR Dad, Max?
MAX: My very special, beLOVed, EXTREEEMELY valuable…. (victoriously) lucky green undies!!!
SKIDADDLE: Max! That’s just mean, bro! (turns away shaking head disgustedly)
…..You promised me I could have them!
MAX: Well, Skidaddle, I give up! What are you gonna give your Dad for Father’s Day?
SKIDADDLE: Its, well….bro, I’m gonna tell him, “Dad! I LOVE you”
MAX: That’s nice…but what’s the present you’ve been saving up for?
SKIDADDLE: That’s the present, bro.
MAX: You’ve been SAVING UP ALL YEAR to TELLyour Dad you love him?
SKIDADDLE: Yeah! I wanted it to be SPECIAL so I decided to keep it a SECRET until Father’s Day. But when I finally tell him, its gonna really make his day!
MAX: Um…Skidaddle…
SKIDADDLE: Of course it wasn’t easy – all year I had to act grumpy to him and ignore him, and not do what he asked me to do – otherwise I might have ruined the surprise!
MAX: Um…Wouldn’t it be better to SHOW your Dad you love him EVERY Day of the year? You know – by doing what he asks, treating him well and spending time with him?
SKIDADDLE: Oh…yeah! he’d probably think that was pretty cool too. Hmm…Why didn’t I think of that?!
MAX: Actually it reminds me of a cool bible memory verse I learned at children’s church!
MAX: Yeah, Jesus’ Disciple-dude, John, wrote, “Yo kids, lets not just love with our words, but with our actions and for real, dudes.” (proudly)1John 3:18!
SKIDADDLE: You mean I shouldn’t TELL Dad that I love him?
MAX: Of course you should. But just saying, “I love you, Dad” doesn’t mean much, if you complain when he asks you to clean up your toys or room. If you love him for real, you’ll do what he asks, happily.
SKIDADDLE: Hey Max, God’s our Dad too, isn’t he?
MAX: That’s right! Our heavenly Father’s the best Dad of all!
(To the kids) Who’s the best Dad, Kids?
SKIDADDLE: Well, its no secret that I love God – I tell Him every Sunday at church – (sings) “I LOVEyou Lord!”
MAX: But remember 1 John 3:18!
SKIDADDLE: (slowly reciting) “Yo kids, lets not just love with our words, but with our actions and for real dudes”
MAX: And Jesus said that if we love Him, we willDOOooo what he says…
SKIDADDLE: (to the kids) Everyone say “DOOoooo!”
MAX: ..and if we DOOooo what He says…
MAX: …He and God the Father, will come and LIVE INSIDE US, by the Holy Spirit, and JESUS willSHOW HIMSELF TO US!!!
SKIDADDLE: Wow! That’s AWESOME dude! I REALLY want Jesus to show Himself to me. How bout you, kids?
MAX: And if you ask Him to, God will even help you love your Dad, for real, with your actions too – not just your words!
SKIDADDLE: I reckon Dad would like that even better than an invisible time machine!
WELL, I’m gonna go and spend some time showing love to BOTH my Dads now, Max. Bye kids!
MAX: Me too, Later dudes!
SKIDADDLE: (quietly as leaving) Hey Max, you didn’t really give your Dad those lucky undies, did you?...