PATTAYA- November 15th 2015- [PattayaDailyNews] at 02.00 am Pol.Lt.Wutikorn Prodprong- deputy inspector of Pattaya police station- was notified that a man had been attacked and injured on Pattaya 2nd road. After notification the police officers rushed to the scene.
At the scene the police found Mr.Sarawut Bachan aged 19 who was fruit street vendor and had been slashed on his left arm. He was stood waiting for the police with his girlfriend. The rescue team then performed first aid on him before sending him to Bang Lamung hospital.
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Also at the scene some local people had caught the attacker who was identified as Mr.Surachai Photila aged 36 who was also a fruit street vendor. He was caught with 30 cm knife that he used in the attack and as then taken to the police station.
Upon questioning the injured man’s girlfriend she said that Mr Surachai was drinking alcohol and tried to convince her to be his wife. However, she ignored him and tried to walk away but Mr.Surachai then grabbed her arm which caused her boyfriend to argue with him and then Mr.Surachai attacked him inured.