My trades for the week of July 10 through July 14 were all done through
investment with SNYL.PK. On Monday, July 10, I invested in SNYL.PK a sum of
$51,622.74 for 66183 shares at $0.78 per share. The stock price had made a
plunge to near $0.75 per share during the day on Monday and I invested after
safely seeing that the price had turned around. By the end of the day the price
had recovered to $0.85 briefly and on the following day, Tuesday, July 11, I was
able to sell my shares at $0.83 per share and net a profit. During the course of
trading on July 11, the price again dropped modestly to near $0.78 per share. I
invested again on July 11 at a price of $0.80 per share. Since I had seen nothing
worthwhile from NDOL.PK, I invested all the money I had to work with for this last
trade. I invested $106,534.40 and worked from there. The stock price then
experienced a tumultuous day-and-a-half where the price shot between $0.80
and $0.83 repeatedly and even up to $0.85. Had I been paying closer attention, I
could have capitalized on the behavior during the period of July 11 through July
12 but I did not sell my shares until July 13. The price had curiously leveled off at
near $0.85, then, dropped to and leveled off at $0.83. I sold my shares during
this time at $0.83 per share. For the rest of the week, the price rose to $0.84
briefly and, in end-of-the-trading-week analysis, I realized I could have earned a
larger profit; everything is clearer in hindsight. The activity of SNYL.PK during
the week of July 10 through July 14 can be found on the following page: