Good night Yuva.
I think what ever it is running around just needs to run its course. I started feeling a lot
better yesterday afternoon and it is holding. I guess it is true. When you are young, you get
better quickly because Mom keeps you in bed. When you get older, you don't listen and still
try to do things. In my case it was shoveling snow when the temperature was -22 Celsius!
Guess I should have known better. It did make my head feel better. Kind of cooled me off a
bit. But also made it harder for me to recover quickly. So perhaps I should have listened and
stayed in bed. I just still kind of get a burr under my saddle when there is something that
absolutely has to be done. A burr under my saddle is the same as being very annoyed about
not doing something that needs to be done or said.
I got an email from Meaw yesterday that said she was feeling better. Perhaps it was a bit premature.
I hope she just stays in bed for a couple of days and gets better soon.
Another slow news day for Thailand. The only thing mentioned was Rock Star Pete Doherty has
checked himself out of rehab in Thailand. Simply saying he has beat the his heroin addiction. Only
time will tell on that one.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think about you all the time.
Hugs & Kisses