The MPF evolution (Figure 2, Table 4) shows a sustaining
fatigue for the Trapezius muscles left and right (mainlyRS) < 0.01), a moderate fatigue in SS and a low in CS and correspond with the MVC Trapezius muscles losses. There
is an opposite fatigue in the Flexor muscles for SS and RS,
left negative, right positive for SS and inversed for RS. The
compensation effect could be attributed to an influence
of the individuals’ right or left hand preferences ..For CS
both Flexors are improved. The extensor muscles left and
right were improved in all three types of massage
The differences between static load in the Trapezius
muscles and dynamic contractions in the forearm muscles
correspond with the higher VAS scores, which can be
explained by the type of muscle contraction.
In the forearm muscles, the dynamic muscle work
(contraction/de-contraction) performed over 30 s, foster
the lactate removal and fatigue will not create serious