Every person, whether child or adult to use most of the energy, the energy that comes from food, so food is essential to human life, so it is full of life and health care.
Today we are living with a fast. Regardless of the effect that what happens, for example, the food we eat is today, it is one that has both benefits and penalties the body and each of us should do? Even though we know that it has both advantages and disadvantages.
As ru. today, most of it to everyone facing this fast food restaurant because people often do not have the free time to choose eating, or eating your own cooking. Another fast food meals to fast Save time, regardless of whether it is complete and no nutrients may result in various adverse consequences of disease. But if you try to plan and think about food, fast food, they will know they should or should not be eaten.
This is all it should be a good dining option is the primary nutritional benefits and the dude build a healthy body, healthy. There is no disease, she stays happy wawi